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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Easiest Way to Invite your Friends to your Facebook Group or Page. (Part 1)

I made a couple of Facebook Groups – Philippine Photography and Asian Beauties  (PLEASE JOIN!) – and wanted to invite all my friends, but it would have taken a lot of time  because for some unknown reason, Facebook doesn’t allow you to “select all” friends when sending an invite. I mean, they’ll let you do it… but you have to click one at a time! Whew!

Well anyway I went on a little research and found out that you could cheat Facebook's system, I mean there is a trick by inserting a little javascript to make it happen!  Here is how to do it:

1. Go to your Event, Group or Page  and click the text “Invite People”, then wait for the page to load.
2. Once the page has loaded, you can now see all of your friends, but they are not selected.
3. At this moment, copy and paste the Face JavaScript Code below and paste it into your Web browser’s address bar, then press “Enter”. (Sometimes it takes a long time to load, so please be patient)
4. If you did the right step, it selects all of your friends!

javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}

If that isn't effective, try this other strategy:

Right click the “friend box” and open it in a new tab,  then paste this short Facebook JavaScript code :  
javascript: fs.select_all()

These codes works both in Mozilla Firefox and in Google Chrome.

Go and try it!
Experiment and Enjoy the computer and internet!

And Oh! I almost forgot, if this page or post is helpful, please Share It or Tweet on Facebook or Twitter to help others too. The more people who will  share this, the more people will be helped! Thank You.

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